2024 downeast cider + cheese festival tickets now available!

Celebrating a revival of two traditional foods, hard cider and cheese, the Downeast Cider + Cheese Festival honors the rich tradition of Maine’s historic apple industry, the first and only event of its kind in the state. Take a look at this year’s ticketed events and buy your tickets before they sell out!

The bazaar

Shop the taste of Maine ciders and cheeses at this year’s culminating event: the ticketed bazaar! Discover the finest local ciders and cheeses at our vibrant market just outside downtown Ellsworth. The bazaar will offer a delightful experience for people of all ages. Sample and purchase local craft cheese, ciders, and other specialty food products. Grab lunch from a local food truck. Try your luck at getting some high-valued prizes at the raffle auction. Support local businesses and savor some of our region's best flavors! Buy VIP tickets to receive a commemorative tote bag, tasting glass, and an hour of early access to shop the bazaar. General admission tickets are only $15.

Cider Pressing Demonstration (+ 2 GA Tickets to the Bazaar)

Join Heart of Ellsworth and Fogtown Brewing Co. for a cider-making demonstration as we select, mill & press apples gathered from local orchards and foraged from the Maine Coast. For $60 you can take home 500ml of our freshly-pressed cider in a swivel-top bottle to drink fresh or ferment at home! Plus, get two general admission tickets to the Cider & Cheese Bazaar on Saturday, November 9th!



Explore all of this year’s Downeast Cider + Cheese Festival free and ticketed events.


Meet the candidates - next Tuesday, Oct.15th, 2024


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