Heart of Ellsworth Expands Team

Heart of Ellsworth is thrilled to announce the hiring of Marketing Coordinator Clarisa Diaz. Diaz brings over a decade of experience in communications and design to Heart of Ellsworth, and will oversee all aspects of marketing for the organization. 

Diaz will also manage the Tourism Marketing & Development Recovery Program grant from the Maine Office of Tourism which seeks to promote Ellsworth as a regional tourist hub near Acadia National Park. In 2024, Downeast Maine was federally recognized as America’s next National Heritage Area which encompasses parts of Hancock and all of Washington counties.

"At a time when the future holds so many possibilities, work at the local level is pivotal in creating the environment and communities we want to live in and thrive," said Diaz on the importance of Heart of Ellsworth’s work.

Diaz joins Program Coordinator Zabet NeuColins who was hired a year ago, and Executive Director Cara Romano.

Ellsworth became Maine’s 11th Main Street Community in November 2024, a designation granted by the nationally accredited program of Main Street America with the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Maine Downtown Center.

Since 1980, Main Street programs have generated a staggering $79 billion in investment nationwide, establishing nearly 144,000 businesses and creating more than 640,000 jobs. This proven model encourages independent, locally-owned shops to thrive and reinvest in the local economy.

The Heart of Ellsworth promotes artistic, economic, educational, environmental, cultural, and historic activities in the downtown area of the city of Ellsworth, Maine to provide a vibrant community for all residents, businesses, non-profit organizations and local government.

For more information visit heartofellsworth.org or contact info@heartofellsworth.org.


Downtown Highlight: Maeve, Ellsworth’s Paper Carrier


Tastemakers Grant application open!