Karin otto


I truly appreciate the value that an organization like Heart of Ellsworth can contribute to the community. I greatly respect the time and dedication required to raise funds successfully, implement and coordinate programs, and manage budgets. From my experience, I know how amazing it feels to invest in your community. I am excited to get more intimately involved in the Ellsworth community and direct my energies here in my downtown.
— Karin Otto

Karin is a resident of Ellsworth, a management consultant, and an artist. Besides her consulting business, Karin has spent over 16 years volunteering in the non-profit arts sector and creative economy. She is passionate about the impact that access to the Arts can have on a community and is proud to participate in bringing positive opportunities to individuals of all ages. She joined the Board of Heart of Ellsworth in 2023.

Karin has a diverse background but most relevant to Heart of Ellsworth's goals and objectives is the 10 years spent working with Waterfall Arts in Belfast, ME, from 2011–2021.  During that time, she spent 8 years on the Board of Directors, 3 years of which as Board Chair. In addition to her Board work, she sat on and chaired various committees, coordinated programs, and curated exhibitions, including the annual month-long curated show, Handmade, which ran for 8 years. Karin has a BA in Fine Arts, an MA in Organizational Psychology, and is a Certified Life coach.

Volunteer with KARIN at Heart of Ellsworth


Eric Columber